Book Coaching
Do you have a story in your head that only you can tell? Do you want a guide to keep you accountable and help you get the that story onto the page? That's what a book coach does! Cheerleader, project manager, task master, tough love critic, insightful listener, guide. Yes, like an athlete, you will have to practice (kind of like drills!) in order to hone your craft and deliver the best possible outcome. Like an athlete, you will have to set many small goals along the way in order to achieve your big goal — a polished book!
If you want to write a nonfiction manuscript (and potentially publish through a traditional publisher) you will first need to pitch to an agent, and then write your full manuscript. Together we will work through this process:
Fundamentals: $2,000
We will work through your vision, structure, target reader and target reach, chapter structure and development, and so much more. Our goal for this work will be to generate a working outline.
Five deadlines
Comments on submissions
Five 30-minute calls to review
Editorial letter for each submission
Three month duration
Additional sessions at $400 each (one editorial letter and one 45-min call)
Proposal Development: $3,000
​We will work through your TOC, overview, comp title analysis and sample chapters. Our goal for this work will be a polished proposal.
Five deadlines
Comments on submissions
Ten 30-minute calls to review
Editorial letter for each submission
Three to six month duration
Additional sessions at $400 each (one editorial letter and one 45-min call)
Pitch: Customized
Depending on your needs this package might include agent research, pitch strategy and support, agent vetting, etc.
- Query letter review
- Research up to 20 agents
- Strategy sessions​​
Writing a memoir is deeply personal and intense. It’s difficult to think of yourself as a character in your story, because it’s your story! It can also be hard to decide what the one big thing is you want to say and how to say it with clarity, purpose and authentic emotion. I'll work with you from the very beginning — ideally before you've even written your first chapter — and guide you step by step through the rest of the process. Here's how it usually works:
Fundamentals: $3,000
Together we will work to find the universal in your story, clarify your voice, determine structure, identify your target reader, and get you on the writing road. The outcome of this work will be an outline and the first two chapters.
Five deadlines for submissions
Deadlines scheduled weekly or semi-weekly
Comments and ed letter for each deadline
Five 45-minute calls to process feedback
Additional sessions at $400 each (one editorial letter and one 45-min call)
Manuscript development package 1: $2,000
Working from the foundation for your story, we'll begin on your manuscript.
Five deadlines of 25 pages per deadline (roughly two chapters)
Deadlines scheduled weekly or semi-weekly
Comments and ed letter for each deadline
Five 30-minute calls
Additional sessions at $400 each (one 25-page submission and one 45-min call)
Manuscript development package 2: $4,000
Working from the foundation for your story, we'll work together to develop your full manuscript.
Ten deadlines of 25 pages per deadline (roughly two chapters)
Deadlines scheduled weekly or semi-weekly
Dev edit comments and ed letter for each deadline
Ten 30-minute calls
Additional sessions at $400 each (one 25-page submission and one 45-min call)
Pitch: Customized
Depending on your needs this package might include agent research, pitch strategy and support, agent vetting, etc.
- Query letter review
- Research up to 20 agents
- Strategy sessions
You have a brilliant idea for a story but you aren’t sure where to start. Together we can work to make your vision a reality by creating a blueprint for your manuscript, revising it and preparing it for an agent. This stages are designed to get your best manuscript into the hands of readers!
Story Fundamentals, Structure and Scenes: $3,000
Together we will work through, point, basic plot, genre, target reader, jacket copy, and so much more. Our goal for this work will be an outline and opening and closing scenes.
Five deadlines
Comments on submissions
Five 45-minute calls to review
Editorial letter for each submission
Three month duration
Additional sessions at $400 each (one editorial letter and one 45-min call)
Manuscript development package 1: $2,000
Working from the foundation for your story, we'll begin on your manuscript.
Five deadlines of 25 pages per deadline (roughly two chapters)
Deadlines scheduled weekly or semi-weekly
Comments and ed letter for each deadline
Five 30-minute calls
Additional sessions at $400 each (one 25-page submission and one 45-min call)
Manuscript development package 2: $4,000
Working from the foundation for your story, we'll work together to develop your full manuscript.
Ten deadlines of 25 pages per deadline (roughly two chapters)
Deadlines scheduled weekly or semi-weekly
Dev edit comments and ed letter for each deadline
Ten 30-minute calls
Additional sessions at $400 each (one 25-page submission and one 45-min call)
Pitch: Customized
Depending on your needs this package might include agent research, pitch strategy and support, agent vetting, etc.
- Query letter review
- Research up to 20 agents
- Strategy sessions
Marni was able to help me dig deep into my characters and make their true essence shine through by asking insightful questions that led me to understand who I wanted those characters to be. She made sure the magic that was inside my head ended up on the page.
— Mindy Carlson, Fiction Writer